Flooding, Pigging, Cleaning, Gauging and Hydrotesting

GPPS provides pre-commissioning services to several clients, IOCs and Pipeline Contractors within the Oil and Gas industry. Services include high volume flushing, Pigging, Cleaning, Gauging and Hydrotesting of both new and existing pipelines of varying sizes and lengths.

GPPS has a fleet of High-Volume Lift Pumps, High Volume Flood Pumps and Hydrotest Pumps to achieve up to and exceeding five (5) different spreads working at the same time at different locations.

GPPS High Volume Lift Pumps include the HL225 and HL250 model with their respective flow capacities of between 832m3/hr – 1,224m3/hr, depending on client’s needs. These pumps are fully automatic priming from dry to 8.5m suction lift.

GPPS High Volume Multistage Flood Pumps can provide flow capacities of 46bbl/min – 78bbl/min, depending on clients’ needs to maintain and surpass recommended client velocities of 0.5m/s – 1.0m/s.

GPPS High Pressure Pumps have been used to pump fluid at pressures of 160psi – 10,000psi, depending on the client’s needs. These pumps are used mainly in Oil, Water and Chemical pumping applications.

Some of GPPS Fleet of High Volume Multistage Pumps and High Volume Lift Pump
Some of GPPS Fleet of High Volume Multistage Pumps and High Volume Lift Pump
GPPS HL225 High Volume Lift Pump
GPPS HL225 High Volume Lift Pump
GPPS HL250 High Volume Lift Pump
GPPS HL250 High Volume Lift Pump