System Testing with Water, Air or Nitrogen
Prior to the introduction of hydrocarbon, hydrostatic or pneumatic testing is typically employed to confirm the integrity of pipe work and vessels. For LNG/LPG facilities the presence of water or moisture poses a number of potentials startup and operational concerns.
Proper design and engineering of the overalls program for hydrostatic testing and subsequent draining and dewatering of the system are critical to the safe startup and commissioning of the system.

GPPS’s knowledge of process systems and drying techniques significantly reduces the potential risks and complications commonly associated with system startup.
GPPS has a wide range of hydrotest pumps, Air Compressors/Boosters and Nitrogen Pumps capable of delivering up to 10,000 psi.
GPPS has offered these services on pipelines, pressure vessels, piping, storage tanks, umbilical tubing as per clients’ specification.