Nitrogen Pumping, Purging & Testing
The unique properties of liquid and gaseous nitrogen offer a wide range of capabilities to both onshore and offshore oil, gas and petrochemical industrials. Used predominantly during plant maintenance shutdown and start-up operations, nitrogen purging, and subsequent nitrogen/helium leak testing form a critical path to the success of any project.
GPPS nitrogen equipment can provide nitrogen to gas at flow rates up to 3,000 scf/min, and at pressure ranging from nominal purging requirement up to 10,000 psi. Access to variable flow and pressure can result in time savings critical to any plant shutdown.
GPPS has a wide range of Nitrogen Pumps capable of delivering flow rates of 180,000scf/hr and pressure of 10,000psig. GPPS also has a fleet of specialized ISOPACK 2,000USG liquid Nitrogen Tanks, with an operation pressure of 6barg.